Friday, March 20, 2009


In the time that's passed, I've:
1) Entered a competition.  My first competition after returning.
a) Did all of the necessary things for said competition, such as:
I. Chose music.  My coach gave me a CD of crappy music and I just went ahead and chose my own.
II. Created a program.  It was kind of crappy.  
But kind of okay.
III. Bought a dress.  All rhinestoned out.  Black, as usual.  Ever since I was nine I've had a thing for black skating dresses.  Sparkle spandex monstrosities, of course.  These are two from competitions when I was nine.
    IV. Practiced.
V. Freaked out after midterms, decided to quit.
VI. Talked to Mom about quitting.
VII. Talked to coach about quitting.
VIII. Let coach talk me into staying.
IX. Quit the next day, leaving a tearful and utterly incoherent phone message for my coach.
2) Quit.  At first, I was like, "This is so awesome!  I don't have to get up early!"
3) Reinvented myself recreationally.  "I'll learn Russian!" "I'll play tennis!" "I'll save orphans in South Africa!"
4) Decided that my life was crap.
5) Talked to Mom about skating again.  At first, she was all, "Are you kidding me?" which I expected, of course, but within five minutes we were planning a triumphant comeback.
6) Thinking of places to skate again.  Until I get all of my jumps back, I don't want to go back to my normal rink.  Way too awkward.  I'm thinking of an arena in a bigger city.  Just going to a freestyle in a week or so, getting my strength up in the meantime, no big deal.  Then, if it sticks, I might ease back into lessons.  And crap.  Also, I'm thinking of throwing in the towel and going to spend the last two years of high school in a boarding school in Switzerland.  It has a skating rink.  Fuck yes.

Anyway, I live close enough to LA to go to Worlds.  The only event I'm seeing is the men's free, but still.  Unfortunately, I don't really have anyone to root for.  Stephane Lambiel and Jeff Buttle retired, Johnny Weir didn't make the team, Brian Joubert and Evan Lysacek seem like douchebags.  Fuck the quad, I'm going for Patrick Chan.  What kills me the most is the face that Alban Preaubert won't be competing.  That guy is a serious badass motherfucker.  
I mean, look at this bitch.
Anyone who says that they aren't aroused is a fucking liar.

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