Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Left behind.

I set my alarm for 4:39.  I woke up sometime before that.  I was having an amazing dream about this boy, M, who I hardly know.  I distinctly remember thinking, in my dream, "I'm so glad I'm not dreaming, because this is great.  I should open my eyes, just to prove to myself that it's not a dream."  I'm sure you can imagine the letdown after I pried my eyes open just to find myself in bed.

After my alarm went off, I went back to bed.  I fell asleep for a few minutes until my mom, noticing that my light wasn't on, came in to wake me.  I asked her what time is was and she said, "Between quarter of five to ten of five."  For some reason, I kept asking her until she read me the exact time on my clock, 4:48.  I guess I just didn't believe her.  She asked if I was feeling okay.  I was feeling okay, just sleepy, but she assumed that I wasn't doing well because I had terrible cramps yesterday.  I went along with it.

I got to the rink and laced up with my new Bungapads on my ankles to protect them from blisters.  My skates are very, very new and I'm trying to break them in.  Five minutes before my lesson at 5:50, I stepped onto the ice.  I did the necessary things to get myself used to the ice.  I did a couple fast laps, then a few big waltz jumps and some single loops just to throw myself into the air for the first time.  I did forward and backward scratches to warm up my spins and see how centered I would be that morning.  Five minutes later, my coach hadn't arrived.  I started stroking and moves in the field.  Ten minutes later, I was doing some flips while scanning the ice.  After twenty minutes, I consulted with my mom about whether it was Tuesday or not.  I resigned myself to the fact that she probably wasn't coming and got back on the ice.  I decided to just let myself go and do the things I enjoyed.  I spun.  I did some good camels and attitudes and catchfoots.  I would skate a few laps in between without worrying whether my toes were pointed and my feet were turned out.

I went to school but only made it through my study period and dance class before I called Mom to pick me up.  She's very understanding about stuff like that and she trusts my judgment, which I appreciate.  My coach called and told us why she was late.  We rescheduled for tomorrow at 5:30.  I fell asleep for twenty minutes.  Now my homework is calling.

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